Find out if beer has gluten, if it’s safe for a gluten-free diet, if your favorites are gluten-free, and what brands to look for.
Are you a beer lover? Are you getting started on a gluten-free diet and not sure what alcoholic drinks are safe yet? Find out everything you need to know about beer and your gluten-free diet as we answer the question: “does beer have gluten?”
We’re going to dive into what beer is made from, if there’s gluten in beer, what kinds of beer are safe for your gluten-free diet, and answer some questions related to your favorite beer brands. Let’s dive in, shall we?
This post is part of the Gluten-free Alcohol Series, where we’re going to discuss different types of alcoholic drinks and how they fit into a gluten-free diet.
What is beer made from?
Let’s get on the same page when it comes to beer and understand first where beer comes from and what ingredients are used to make it.
Beer is made from hops, malted barley, yeast, and water. Other flavorings, fruits, and spices can be added to give a unique flavor profile, but at its most basic, these are the only ingredients you need to make beer.
What is gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in most wheat products, and acts as the “glue” that helps to hold wheat, barley, kamut, spelt, farro, durum, bulgur, rye, and semolina together to maintain their shape.
Gluten is naturally occurring, and therefore is impossible to strip away from the grain. If a grain naturally has gluten in it, there’s no way to make that food gluten-free.
Is there gluten in beer?
The short answer is YES. Most beer is made with malted barley – and sometimes with wheat. Barley and wheat are both gluten-containing grains.
In the process of making beer, the gluten remains in the drink, as opposed to distilled drinks, such as whiskey that uses malted barley but the gluten is distilled out of the final product.
Read on: Is barley gluten-free?
Read on: Is malt gluten-free?
Are hops gluten-free? Do hops have gluten?
Hops are actually a flower and are not a grain at all. Since we know that gluten comes in the form of wheat-related grains, we know that hops are naturally gluten-free.
Hops are safe to enjoy on a gluten-free diet when you find them on ingredient labels or if you were to make your own beer at home.
How much gluten is in beer?
According to Healthline, different types of beer generally contain differing levels of gluten:
- Lager: 63 ppm
- Stout: 361 ppm
- Ales: 3,120 ppm
- Wheat beer: 25,920 ppm
This means that lagers have less gluten content than wheat beers, however both contain gluten. If you’re on a gluten-free diet, you’ll want to avoid all conventionally made beers.
Gluten-free Beer
So if most beer has gluten, what can you drink on a gluten-free diet?
Luckily, there ARE gluten-free beers available and on the market. You can look for bottles and brands with a gluten-free label to know for sure that they are safe for you to enjoy.
According to the FDA, in order to have a gluten-free label on a product, the product has to contain less than 20 ppm in one serving. Again, this is much less than what’s in most lagers even.
Gluten Removed Beer vs Gluten-free Beer
Many beers that are considered “gluten-free beer” are really and truly gluten-removed beer. That means that after the beer has been brewed, an enzyme has been added to it to break down the gluten and make the ppm a smaller quantity.
Once the beer has reached less than 20 ppm, it can be considered gluten-free. If you are Celiac, you may not be able to enjoy gluten-removed beer so be sure to look for brands that are gluten-free by brewing process and not by removal.
Beer that is made gluten-free from the beginning of its process is made using gluten-free grains, and therefore no worries of gluten or cross contamination are needed. These gluten-free beers are made using sorghum, buckwheat, or rice. All of these grains are naturally gluten-free, and can make a delicious gluten-free beer.
Gluten-free Beer Brands
Here are some great gluten-free beer brands and gluten-removed beer brands you can look for next time you head out to the store:
Alpenglow Beer Company
- Buck Wild Pale Ale
Alley Kat (gluten removed)
- Scona Gold Kolsch
Allendale Brewery (gluten removed)
Alt Brew
- Rustic Badger Belgian Ale
- Hollywood Nights Blonde IPA
- Copperhead Copper Ale
- Kickback Kolsch
- 1808 Robust Porter
- Holy Hop Grenade Double IPA
- Sunset Belgian Tripel
- Redbridge Lager
Autumn Brewing Co.
- Alt Brew No.01 Bavarian Style Pilsner
- Alt Brew No.02 English Pale Ale
- Alt Brew No.03 Dark Roast Stout
Aurochs Brewing Company
- Amber ale
- Blonde ale
- Brown ale
- Cascading Dark Ale
- Hefeweizen
- Nitro porter
- Porter
- Session IPA
- White IPA
Bard’s Tale Beer
- Bard’s Gold Lager
Bellfield Brewery (gluten removed)
- Session Ale
- Lawless Village IPA
- Bohemian Pilsner
- Craft Lager
Bierly Brewing
- Felix Pilsner
- Amber IPA
- Blackbird Stout
- Baker Street Porter
Billabong Brewing
- Australia’s Pale Ale
- Blonde Low Carb Lager Style
- Ginger Beer
Black Isle Organic (gluten removed)
- Goldfinch
Brewdog (gluten removed)
- Vagabond gluten free
Brewery Rickoli (gluten removed)
- M.E.H Cream Ale
- Quicker Bichen
- Enormous Richard
- Aldo’s Red
- Elke Brown
- Social Lubricant
- Mango Hop Session
- Totally Eye P.A.
- The Authoritah
- Disturbed Reflection
- Black Pline
- Black Lupulin
- Vanilla in “yo Rye”
Burning Brothers Brewing
- Auntie M’s Irish Red Ale
- Parched Lime Shandy
- Most Coast India Pale Ale
- Midway American Lager
- Pyro American Pale Ale
- Roasted Coffee Strong Ale
Brunehaut Brewery
- Triple Organic
- Organic Amber
- Organic White
- Organic Saison
Celia Lager (gluten removed)
- Premium Czech Lager
- Dark Craft Czech Lager
- Estrella Damm Laura
- Laura Marzen
Departed Soles Brewing Company
- GoodbIPA
- A Dark Night
- Go Big Or Go Home
- None Shall P.A.T.H.
- Rick Rolled-Oat Coffee Stout
- Ghost of Pumpkins Passed
- Brrr-Berry
- Bumper Hops
- Senses Pail
- New Jersey Ninja
- All Together
Divine Science Brewing
- Third Contact IPA
- Event Horizon Blonde
Duck Foot (gluten removed)
- The Looker Blonde Ale
- Drink This or The Bees Die Honey Ale
- Hop ‘Em Sock ‘Em West Coast Style IPA
- Coconut IPA West Coast IPA with Toasted Coconut
- Duckzilla Double White IPA
Evasion Brewing
- Horphoria IPA
- Blonde Ale
- Tantamount Stout
- Evasion Light
- This is My Party Shirt
- Blood Orange IPA
First Chop Brewing (gluten removed)
- Syl Black Jaggery IPA
- Ava Happy Blonde Ale
- Hop Ultra Pale Ale
- Sup Session IPA
- Pop Citrus IPA
- Pod Classic Vanilla Oatmeal Stout
- Red Salford Red
- Jam Mango Pale
- MCR Modern Manchester Bitter
Ghostfish Brewing
- Grapefruit IPA
- Vanishing Point Pale Ale
- Shrouded Summit Belgian White Ale
- Meteor Shower Blonde Ale
- Kick Step IPA
- Peak Buster Double IPA
- Anniversary Release
- It Came From The Haze
- Gosefish Hibiscus-Cranberry Rose
- Ghost Pepper Saison
- Fresh Hop Release
- Lunar Harvest Pumpkin Ale
- Watchstander Stout
- Blonde
- American Pale Ale
- Red
- White
- Stout
- Session IPA
- Gose
- Double IPA
- Discovery
- Premium Pilsner
- Golden Ale
- Blonde
- Dark Ale
- Hefe Weissbier
- Amber
- Dry Hopped Lager
- India Pale Ale
- Tripel Ale
- Dubbel Ale
Ground Breaker Brewing
- Pale Ale
- Dark Ale
- IPA No. 5
- Olallie
Hambleton Ales
- Stud Blonde
- Pink Grapefruit Ale
Holidaily Brewing Co.
- Favorite Blonde Ale
- Fat Randy’s IPA
- Buckwheat Belgian
- Riva Stout
- Patchy Waters
- Bulah Red Ale
Ipswich Ale Brewery
- Celia Saison
James Page Brewery
- Foxtail gluten free ale
Lakefront Brewery
- New Grist
- New Grist Gose with Lime
Legal Draft (gluten removed)
- Free & Clear Lager
Microbrasserie Nouvelle France
- Messagere Blonde
- Messagere Rousse
- Messagere Light
- Messagere Fruits
- Zero-G
- Space Race Gluten-free
Minhas Brewery
- Boxer Gluten Free
Moonshrimp Brewing
- Negative Space: Dark Pale Ale
- Starlight White: White Ale
- One Small Step: IPA
New Belgium (gluten removed)
- Glutiny Pale Ale
New Planet (gluten removed)
- Blonde Ale (gluten-free)
- Pale Ale (gluten-free)
- Tread Lightly Ale (gluten removed)
- Seclusion IPA (gluten removed)
Omission (gluten removed)
- Ultimate Light
- Pale Ale
- Lager
Scott’s Brewing Company
- Gluten-Free Pale Ale
Sprecher Brewery
- Shakparo
Steadfast Beer Co
- Pale Ale
- Oatmeal Cream Stout
- Blonde Ale
Stone Brewing (gluten removed)
- Stone Delicious IPA
Two Bays Brewing Co
- Pale Ale
- Red Rocks Red Ale
- Extra Pale Ale
- India Pale Ale
Whistler Brewing Company
- Forager Amber Pale Ale
Wild Ohio Brewing
- Black Cherry Bourbon Barrel Tea Beer
- Blueberry Tea Beer
- Mango Tea Beer
- Peach Tea Beer
- Blood Orange Tangerine
- Dalypalmer
- Dark Berry
- Mango Passionfruit
Wild Polly Brewing Co.
- Pale Ale
Wold Top Brewery (gluten removed)
- Against The Grain
- Scarborough Fair IPA
- Marmalade Porter
- Landmark Lager
Are there any brands of gluten-free non-alcoholic beer?
There are a few brands of low or no-alcohol beer that are safe for a gluten-free diet. Some brands to look for are: Athletic, Big Drop, Bravus, Brew Dog, Jump Ship, and a number of others. For a full list of brands and options, read this post: Gluten-free non-alcoholic beer
Are my favorite beer brands gluten-free?
So many people have asked about specific brands of beer and if they are gluten-free, so I thought I’d go over a few of those in detail below.
Is Budweiser gluten-free?
Budweiser beer is not gluten-free as it is made with barley, a gluten-containing grain. All varieties of Budweiser’s beer products contain gluten.
Read on: Is Budweiser gluten-free?
Is Bud Light gluten-free?
Bud Light is Budweiser’s “light” beer. It comes in different flavors and options just like normal Budweiser. Bud Light, Bud Light Platinum, Bud Light Peels, and Bud Light Chelada all contain gluten in the form of barley. These should be avoided on a gluten-free diet.
Read on: Is Bud Light gluten-free?
Is Busch Light gluten-free?
Busch Light is not considered a gluten-free product, because it contains barley. Barley is a gluten-containing grain that is not removed from the final product during manufacturing.
This brand of beer should be avoided on a gluten-free diet.
Read on: Is Busch Light gluten-free?
Is Corona gluten-free? Is Corona Light gluten-free?
There’s been quite a bit of buzz on this topic online and I’ve found conflicting information on the topic of Corona being a gluten-free beer.
The reality is that NO, Corona is not a gluten-free beer and is not marketing as such by the brand itself. Even their website says their beer contains gluten in the FAQ section.
However, many people who follow a gluten-free diet DO drink it, because as some have suggested that it has been shown to have less than 20 ppm per serving.
Should you drink it if you’re gluten-free? The answer is it depends on your sensitivity, your willingness to go to a little extra effort to find a truly gluten-free beer or gluten-removed beer, and if you can or cannot live without Corona in your life.
Do your own research and make the call for yourself, so you can feel good about it.
Read on: Is Corona gluten-free?
Is Coors Light gluten-free?
Coors Light has been shown to have less than 20 ppm of gluten in a serving, however it is NOT considered gluten-free according to the brand itself.
Their response to meeting the gluten-free market? A dedicated gluten-free just for us. Check out Coors Peak for a gluten-free beer you can feel good about adding to your shopping list. I believe this option has been discontinued, but if you happen to find it locally, know that this is gluten-free!
Read on: Is Coors Light gluten-free?
Is Guinness gluten-free?
Guinness beer is not considered gluten-free, because it is made with roasted barley and malted barley. Barley is a gluten-containing grain, and the gluten is not removed during the manufacturing process of beer.
Read on: Is Guinness gluten-free?
Is Michelob Ultra gluten-free?
Michelob Ultra beers are not gluten-free as they contain barley malt. Barley is a gluten-containing grain that cannot be removed entirely from the final product during manufacturing.
If you’re looking for a gluten-free beer you will want to find a different product and brand that works for your gluten-free diet.
Read on: Is Michelob Ultra gluten-free?
Is Miller Lite gluten-free?
Unfortunately, Miller Lite is not gluten-free, because it contains barley malt. Barley is a gluten-containing grain, and the gluten is not removed during the manufacturing process of beer.
Choose a different gluten-free beer option instead of Miller Lite.
Read on: Is Miller Lite gluten-free?
Is Modelo gluten-free?
Unfortunately, Modelo beer contains gluten from the barley malt and likely the non-malted cereals used in its recipe. If you enjoy beer, but are bummed to see that Modelo contains gluten, know that there are loads of other gluten-free beers available.
Read on: Is Modelo gluten-free?
Is Redd’s apple ale gluten-free?
According to the Redd’s Hard Apple website, “Redd’s Hard Apple is not gluten-free, but it is delicious.”
If you follow a gluten-free diet, opt for a different type of beer that is gluten-free or better yet, choose a gluten-free hard cider that’s made with no gluten ingredients.
Read on: Is Redd’s apple ale gluten-free?
If you love beer and have been on the hunt for a great gluten-free beer brand to include in your diet, I hope this post has been informative and useful for you.
Remember you don’t have to give up your occasional beer in order to stay gluten-free. Find a brand you love that you can find locally and feel free to kick back and relax!
Love this post? Check out more from the Gluten-free Alcohol Series.
Wondering which alcohol is safe for a gluten-free diet? Find out in the Gluten-free Alcohol series!
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Gluten-Free Vodka
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Is Bourbon Gluten-free?
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Gluten-free Gin
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Is Brandy Gluten-free?
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Is Sake gluten-free?
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Is Hard Seltzer gluten-free?
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Is Mike's Hard Lemonade gluten-free?
Find out if Mike’s hard lemonade has gluten, if it’s safe for a gluten-free diet and if your favorite flavors are gluten-free.
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Audrey says
Thanks so much for this info and the extensive list of GF beers. I can now make a better choice, and enjoy a drink.
Rachael Roehmholdt says
You’re welcome! I hope you find some of these locally so you can enjoy them. Please come back and share if you find a new favorite!
James says
Nice post! Thanks for figuring out the relation between gluten and beer. I think this post is very helpful for all people, especially for celiacs.
Also, mentioning the gluten-free beer brands will help folks to choose the appropriate brand for them.
Brittney says
Is Dogfish Head gluten free? It says it is but not only box.
Rachael Roehmholdt says
Their website doesn’t come out directly and say that it is gluten-free, so I’d assume that it is not. Unless you find a variety that has a gluten-free label, I’d probably skip this brand.