Find out if Corona is gluten-free, if it’s safe for a gluten-free diet, and what you need to know about gluten-free beer.
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If you enjoy relaxing after a long day with a beer in hand, you may enjoy drinking Corona once in a while. Whether you like it on its own or with a bit of lime, Corona is available at most major grocery stores and convenience stores nationwide.
If you follow a gluten-free diet, you know that every food and ingredient that goes into your body needs to be looked at with a careful eye. That includes all types of alcohol too.
That’s why we’re going to talk about a popular alcoholic drink in depth in this post: Corona. Find out what Corona is made from, if beer is gluten-free, if Corona brand of beer is gluten-free, and get some gluten-free beer options.
This post is part of the Gluten-free Alcohol Series, where we’re going to discuss different types of alcoholic drinks and how they fit into a gluten-free diet.
What is Corona made from?
According to, Corona is made with filtered water, malted barley, hops, corn, and yeast.
Read on: Is malt gluten-free?
Read on: Are hops gluten-free?
What is gluten?
Gluten is a protein found in most wheat products, and acts as the “glue” that helps to hold wheat, barley, kamut, spelt, farro, durum, bulgur, rye, and semolina together to maintain their shape. You can create a malt from any of these grains.
Gluten is naturally occurring, and therefore is impossible to strip away from the grain. If a grain naturally has gluten in it, there’s no way to make that food gluten-free.
Is beer gluten-free?
The short answer is no. Most beer is made with malted barley – and sometimes with wheat. Barley and wheat are both gluten-containing grains, making this drink not a typical go-to drink for a gluten-free diet.
In the process of making beer, the gluten remains in the drink, as opposed to distilled alcohol, such as whiskey that uses malted barley but the gluten is distilled out of the final product. You can read more about that here: Is Whiskey Gluten-free?
That said, there are some gluten-free beers that are made using gluten-free grains from the start and are available at many grocery and liquor stores.
Some manufacturers also make “gluten-removed” beer, where the beer is made using gluten-containing ingredients, then processed to remove the gluten to get it lower than the designated level to be considered gluten-free (20ppm).
Learn more about gluten-removed beer here: Does Beer Have Gluten?
Is Corona gluten-free?
There’s been quite a bit of buzz on this topic online and I’ve found conflicting information on the topic of Corona being a gluten-free beer.
Corona is generally not considered safe for a gluten-free diet among the gluten-free community. Even the Corona website states that their beer contains gluten in the FAQ section.
That said, some people who follow a gluten-free diet choose to drink Corona brand of beer, because it’s been suggested to show less than 20 ppm of gluten per serving. I’d be very curious to hear how these people can drink this brand of beer without a reaction if they need to follow a gluten-free diet for health reasons.
You can use your own best judgement based on what you know about your level of sensitivity to gluten to make a decision that works for you and your body.
Is Corona Light gluten-free?
Corona Light is made with the same ingredients as other Corona beer, but according to VeryWellFit, light beers have an enzyme added to break down the carbohydrates in the beer.
This enzyme doesn’t break down the gluten or the malted barley that has been used to brew the beer. While some people say that this beer can test lower than 20ppm of gluten sometimes, I wouldn’t risk the reaction.
Again, do what feels right for you and your body.
Is Corona Premier gluten-free?
Corona Premier is made with water, barley malt, non-malted cereals, and hops. This variety of Corona contains gluten from the barley malt and should be avoided on a gluten-free diet.
Is Corona Extra gluten-free?
Corona Extra is what most people think of as simply “Corona.” Corona Extra is generally not considered gluten-free due to the barley malt in the ingredients.
Though some people say that Corona Extra has less than 20ppm of gluten, it’s not clear this is true and the Corona brand makes no claims that it’s a gluten-free beer.
Is Corona seltzer gluten-free?
According to the Corona website, their hard seltzers are made with carbonated water, alcohol from sugar, natural flavors, and citric acid. They are considered gluten-free by the brand.
You can find Corona Hard Seltzer in nine flavors: citrus lime, spicy pineapple, watermelon lime, mandarin starfruit, pineapple, blackberry lime, raspberry, blueberry acai, and strawberry kiwi.
Gluten-free Beer Options
Even though Corona brand of beer isn’t gluten-free, there are a number of gluten-free beer options available. Click the link to find a full list of gluten-free beer brands, including both naturally gluten-free beers and gluten-removed beers.
If you are open to other types of gluten-free alcoholic beverages, you might also want to try cider, hard seltzer, or a mixed drink with distilled alcohol.
Read on: Is cider gluten-free?
Read on” Is hard seltzer gluten-free?
To find out what alcohol is safe for a gluten-free diet, read this post: What Alcohol is Gluten-free?
If you like drinking Corona as your go-to beer or drink you grab at a friend’s barbecue, you might want to skip this option if you’re following a gluten-free diet. Choose a gluten-free beer instead to save yourself from feeling sick later.
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Love this post? Check out more from the Gluten-free Alcohol Series.
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