For the past 9 years, I’ve been living with gluten and dairy food intolerances. I know how overwhelming this lifestyle can be, because I’ve lived it!
When I started this lifestyle, there were no guidebooks to get started like The Gluten-free Diet: A Beginner’s Guide.
Gluten-free living was not in style and I had to figure it all out on my own.
I didn’t want to give up my favorite foods, but I knew that it’d be silly not to listen to the messages my body was sending me. I’ve spent hundreds of hours doing research online, at the grocery store, and in the real world learning the ins and outs of staying away from gluten and dairy.
Since removing gluten and dairy from my diet, I feel more energized and my laundry list of symptoms have disappeared. I now help my readers adjust to a gluten- and dairy-free lifestyle.
It hasn’t been an easy journey to discovering my
Rachael Roehmholdt
food intolerances, but it’s been so worth it.
My Story

My story begins when I was 19 and started having digestive issues. A few years later, it wasn’t until I started training to become a health coach that I discovered not everyone was struggling with terrible symptoms around food like I was on a daily basis.
After years of denial, food elimination diets, and even a food sensitivity blood panel, I finally decided to listen to my body’s needs and go gluten-free and dairy-free.
As a certified holistic health coach (a 2013 Institute for Integrative Nutrition grad), I teach women how to use the transition to a gluten-free dairy-free diet as a chance to become the healthiest version of themselves so they can feel their best all the time.
While most health and lifestyle coaches focus on dieting or weight loss, I’m committed to helping you find strategies to adjust to your new lifestyle, eliminate the foods that make you sick, help you get meals to the table with weekly menu plans, and feel confident in the choices you make around food.
In addition to helping women on their healthy journeys, I am also wife and a mom to an 8-year old.
In my previous life, I worked in the corporate world in global market research. I wrote and analyzed survey data for Fortune 500 companies, drank too much caffeine and wine, barely slept, and dreamed in Excel spreadsheets.
A few more random things about me:

- I live in the Seattle area about an hour west of the city. My husband and I moved back to our hometown to be closer to family and raise our son.
- I’ve been blogging and writing since I was 15. Most of my old blogs are still live and embarrassing with all the teenage angst I had.
- I live for research, reading, and absorbing information. I’m constantly reading at least two or three books at any given time.
- My favorite movies are the totally predictable romantic comedies. I live for the happy ending, what can I say?
- Tacos and almost all Mexican food is my absolute FAVORITE!
- The personality tests say I am an INTJ and an Enneagram Type 5w6.
- I love hiking and being outdoors, especially with my family. And have met some of my closest friends through enjoying trails together.
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