Back to school season is always one of my favorites. Even though I’ve been out of school for years and years, I still love the excitement around this time of year.
I used to always love clothes shopping with my mom, picking out a brand-new lunch box (or stocking up on brown paper bags in high school), and loading up on new pens, calendars, and notebooks.
Funny enough, I still stock up on new office supplies this time of year.
It’s also when I remember how sad my always-brought-from-home lunches were while growing up.
Yep, you read that right. I was a “sack lunch” kid. In my entire time while in grade school, I only bought school lunch three or four times.
I say it was sad, because I brought basically the same thing every single day, with very little variation – even year over year.
Turkey lunchmeat with a squirt of yellow mustard on white bread (wheat in my high school years). Chips. An apple. A Capri Sun – or whatever juice box was on sale that week. And cookies.
There were minimal changes as I got older and asked my mom to pack my own lunch. I started bringing yogurt in high school (funny to think of that now that I’m completely dairy-free), my turkey sandwich switched out for PB&J, and I ate a million Nutri-grain bars. Which to this day, make me sick even thinking about them, because I ate so many of them.
These days, especially with Pinterest supplying so many ideas, lunches are a lot more interesting. Even though, I’m not a mom to a school-aged kiddo just yet, I know you might be thinking about what to feed your kiddo who can’t have gluten or dairy this fall.
Read on: Gluten and Dairy-free lunch ideas

Here’s a handy roundup of great lunch ideas for back to school for the gluten-free dairy-free kids in your life:
Tips for packing gluten-free lunches
Allergy-friendly lunchbox ideas
25 gluten and dairy-free lunch ideas
25 gluten-free and allergy-friendly lunch ideas
Work & School gluten and dairy-free Mommy & Me lunches
Packingallergy friendly school lunches
Allergy friendly lunchbox ideas
Are you gearing up for back-to-school? What healthy lunches do YOU plan on making your kiddos?
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